Marbella Fishing Trollin Tuna

In our boat Luna we had a good season 2017 with the fishing of Tuna, White Marlin, Dorados and Needles.

A fishing that we always do to the Curricán and in some occasions to the Brumeo with live bait.

This past year the largest catch was a tuna of 192 kilos, and the Dorados ranged from 9 kilos to the largest this year 14,700 kilos.

The months of April to September are among the best in Mediterranean fishing areas, and especially in our waters of Marbella, Malaga.

Thanks to all my clients for having entrusted one more year in my company and to be part of this wonderful world of sport fishing.

This year 2018 we promise to work hard to get good copies, which make us spend very good hours at sea and forget the stress of every day!

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